Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li
“Ani ledodi vedodi li” : “I am my beloved and my beloved is mine” (Song of Songs 6:3). The first letters of the four Hebrew words comprising this verse spell the word Elul, which is the name of the Hebrew month preceding the High Holy Days. In this month of Elul Israel strengthens itself through the process of teshuvah (repentance), and thereby draws close to their beloved, G-d. At this time G-d also draws close to Israel, extends His hand […]

Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li

Song of Solomon
The Song of Solomon is a common hymn wherein the words “I am my beloved and my beloved is mine” or “I am my lover and my lover is me” can be gleaned depending on the translated version of the text. The English standard version in the Bible will often translate the first sentence, but the meaning of the phrase is often misunderstood, even with the multiple variations in translation. This famous verse from the Bible goes on to talk […]

I Am My Beloved and My Beloved is Mine

Song of Songs
The Song of Songs is one of the books of scripture accepted by both Jewish and Christian tradition. It is sometimes called the Song of Solomon and other times called the Song of Songs. The title comes from the first words written in the book, The song of Songs which is by Solomon. In the Septuagint the book is simply titled The Song. There is strong evidence that Solomon was the author of the book. The book itself ascribes authorship […]

Song of Songs

jewish wedding
Jewish couples who are getting married have many rituals and traditions that they can incorporate into their Jewish wedding. It is customary for the bride and groom not to see each other for an entire week before the wedding, so that anticipation and excitement can grow between them and for them. However, for modern couples, it may be impossible to avoid one another while planning the final days of their ceremony. There are plenty of other traditions they can enjoy, […]

Jewish Wedding Traditions

Song of Solomon
From the King James Version of the Holy Bible, Song of Solomon 6:3 states “I am my beloved s, and my beloved is mine: he feeds his flocks among the lilies.” This verse from the Song of Songs written by King Solomon is traditionally used in Jewish weddings. The first part of the verse right before the colon is quoted and inscribed on the wedding ring which will be presented by the bride to her groom during the ceremony. For […]

I Am My Beloved s

High Holy Days
Celebrated sometime after the first week of September but not later than the first week of October in the Gregorian calendar, the High Holy Days consist of the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement. The latter is also called Yom Kippur and the former is also called Rosh Hashanah. Literally translated, Rosh Hashanah is a Hebrew term which means head of the year. The High Holy Days, on the other hand, is more properly known as the Yamim […]

High Holy Days